Jasper Hauser
2005-04-22 20:46:54 UTC
Hi Quentin,
Though I think that you are right.
styling of the badge.
use file type badge coloring. Question is which one would be better, or
which one people would rather see. I'm guessing the first will be
better, as at small sizes the badge will get tiny.
that would make the use of the base simple type illustrations very
useful. And it would be something no system has done yet. The thing we
need to do is see what kind of combinations are needed.
ideas, great comments thanks.
K so I have enough to work on this week, besides the huge amount of
freelance work :)
Have a nice weekend you all.
Hi Jasper,
Here is my feedback…
The new document icons look better I think with the traditional
rectangular shape. I really like the last non truly folded version,
but however I think we should keep a folded look (or other special
custom shape) for sizes below 32 * 32 in order to keep easy "document
icons vs other icons" distinction.
Good point, this is something we need to try and see what happens.Here is my feedback…
The new document icons look better I think with the traditional
rectangular shape. I really like the last non truly folded version,
but however I think we should keep a folded look (or other special
custom shape) for sizes below 32 * 32 in order to keep easy "document
icons vs other icons" distinction.
Though I think that you are right.
I don't really the badge look, I don't know especially why, however I
would say to put them at top is may be better for faster document
variants recognition in icon view.
Yeah top is the best place. And I will look at what we can do with thewould say to put them at top is may be better for faster document
variants recognition in icon view.
styling of the badge.
I think we still need to have really clear color based distinction for
documents content in the center of related icons, this black & white
scheme is visually pleasant but doesn't work, especially in list view.
Well I think we have two ideas now. 1) use file type icon coloring, 2)documents content in the center of related icons, this black & white
scheme is visually pleasant but doesn't work, especially in list view.
I'm also not a fan too much of the symbols on the document icons.
They waste a lot of pixels with thick lines. Thus, the paper sheet
not only removes the ability to distinguish them by their shapes, the
icons also mainly occupy the same square area and use the same
colors. It will be *very* hard to spot all movies in a mixed list of
movie and image files, plus maybe a few text files.
And you are doing similar comment onThey waste a lot of pixels with thick lines. Thus, the paper sheet
not only removes the ability to distinguish them by their shapes, the
icons also mainly occupy the same square area and use the same
colors. It will be *very* hard to spot all movies in a mixed list of
movie and image files, plus maybe a few text files.
Perhaps it's a nice idea to give each file type (image, text, doc,
audio, movie) different colors for their badges so that in a view
with many icons people can distinguish the individual icons more
audio, movie) different colors for their badges so that in a view
with many icons people can distinguish the individual icons more
use file type badge coloring. Question is which one would be better, or
which one people would rather see. I'm guessing the first will be
better, as at small sizes the badge will get tiny.
I think this is a good idea. :-)
An other interesting idea is the possibility your are outlining : to
illustrate aggregated contents based documents by putting together
basic illustrations of content variants (text, image, sound etc.) like
"badges combination".
Yeah this was something I just tried and I liked it. It's somethingAn other interesting idea is the possibility your are outlining : to
illustrate aggregated contents based documents by putting together
basic illustrations of content variants (text, image, sound etc.) like
"badges combination".
that would make the use of the base simple type illustrations very
useful. And it would be something no system has done yet. The thing we
need to do is see what kind of combinations are needed.
For plugin I'm waiting other people feedback.
For plugin symbol, Uli Kusterer made interesting comments on
Agreed the one I made first was simple, I wil play around with theseFor plugin symbol, Uli Kusterer made interesting comments on
Well, the puzzle piece beats the electric plug, I think. After all,
electric plugs don't integrate two objects, the simply provide power
for one. So, IMHO, the metaphor wouldn't work. It only works for
English, where the word actually contains the word "plug". But plays
on words simply don't translate into other languages that well.
Maybe it'd be even better to have two, three or four puzzle pieces
there, two of them connected (or a split-second before being
connected, so the seam is still clearly visible) and one a little
aside? MacOS had a single puzzle piece, and it wasn't really obvious
what that was.
The building block approach itself isn't too bad, but we'd need some
sort of building block that is recognizable. Maybe three blocks, like
that NeXT promo image (was that in IB's about screen?). Maybe one
could just make the block look as if it was made of Legos, and then
composite an application-specific image on the front?
electric plugs don't integrate two objects, the simply provide power
for one. So, IMHO, the metaphor wouldn't work. It only works for
English, where the word actually contains the word "plug". But plays
on words simply don't translate into other languages that well.
Maybe it'd be even better to have two, three or four puzzle pieces
there, two of them connected (or a split-second before being
connected, so the seam is still clearly visible) and one a little
aside? MacOS had a single puzzle piece, and it wasn't really obvious
what that was.
The building block approach itself isn't too bad, but we'd need some
sort of building block that is recognizable. Maybe three blocks, like
that NeXT promo image (was that in IB's about screen?). Maybe one
could just make the block look as if it was made of Legos, and then
composite an application-specific image on the front?
ideas, great comments thanks.
I understand your position on hard disk icons, and I'm waiting your
proposals in order to move away from Mac OS X style in one way or
another :-)
I'm still looking into this, waiting for moment brilliant idea myself :)proposals in order to move away from Mac OS X style in one way or
another :-)
I have also moved the GNUstep icons guidelines to GNUstep.org
Icons guidelines -->
I reorganized icons guidelines by taking in account various feedback,
but I need to update some content too.
Yeah thanks,I have also moved the GNUstep icons guidelines to GNUstep.org
Icons guidelines -->
I reorganized icons guidelines by taking in account various feedback,
but I need to update some content too.
K so I have enough to work on this week, besides the huge amount of
freelance work :)
Have a nice weekend you all.